My Name is Nicole Young

I strongly believe that there is not enough of me to live all of the lives I have dreamed of living. If I could clone myself I would! I am learning life everyday, and finding love for the life I live. I have made it my mission to inspire others to learn to love their life as well.

I recently took on the journey of music photography! Music photography has helped me find a new sense of purpose in the chaos of life. I enjoy photographing all genres of music, and I can’t identify one specific type I prefer over the other. My personal playlist can go from R&B to Christian Rock then to rap music on a whim. I do not like to limit myself. If there is a opportunity I will take it. Showing up with passion, love and commitment for photography and people is essential in creating a memorable experience.

I am 27 years old, I am a mom of two, a full time student studying behavioral health science. My profession aside from photography is in Mental Health. I am a full time crisis specialist and a Mental health technician.